This is What We Do:

In order to remain current with economic and legislative trends and for sharpening their skillsets, your MVDA staff members regularly attend trainings and conferences during the year, both within Washington state and elsewhere.

The Washington State Main Street designation requirements include mandatory quarterly leadership meetings that are hosted in Main Street Communities throughout the state. These allow the state coordinating program to deliver training and updates on relevant legislative updates and regulatory changes, along with information on best practices, new developments and new technologies in the areas of historic preservation, economic development and non-profit management. It is through attending these meetings and being part of an incredibly generous and supportive Washington Main Street community network, that inspiration, valuable information, and new ideas are found. Executive Director Ellen Gamson has additionally attended several Main Street America annual conferences, which are intense multi-day events offering many sessions on a wide range of topics.  Our Community Engagement Manager, Emma Oates, recently attended the RevitalizeWA conference and Main Street America’s Community Transformation training and is currently a member of the 2023-24 cohort of Leadership Skagit. Both Gamson and Oates also avail themselves of online training opportunities through Washington Main Street and Main Street America, as well as through partner organizations such as the Washington Small Business Development Centers, the Washington Microenterprise Association and WA Department of Commerce, among others.

Need a refresher on the Main Street Program in Washington State? Check out their website to learn more:


A year in review


LIDO Collective Wins Excellence on Main award